Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enquire about my child joining Highcliffe Hawks?
All initial enquiries should be sent to our club secretary at highcliffehawkssecretary@hotmail.com who will direct your inquiry to the appropriate team manager.
Any enquiries made via the website contact form regarding "new players" will be referred back to the club secretary.
What age group does my child play in?
For the 2024/2025 season, the age groups based on school years are as follows:
Year 2 - Under 7
Year 3 - Under 8
Year 4 - Under 9
Year 5 - Under 10
Year 6 - Under 11
Year 7 - Under 12
Year 8 - Under 13
Year 9 - Under 14
Year 10 - Under 15
Year 11 - Under 16
For example, children in the Under 7s football group are aged 6 and 7. The age group classification is determined by the child's age as of August 31st of that season. Therefore, a child who is 6 years old on August 31st at the beginning of the season can participate in Under 7s football, even if they turn 7 during the season.
What size football does my age group use?
Football sizes vary by age group to ensure appropriate skill development.
Here are the recommended sizes for each age group:
Under 7 - size 3
Under 8 - size 3
Under 9 - size 3
Under 10 - size 4
Under 11 - size 4
Under 12 - size 4
Under 13 - size 4
Under 14 - size 4
Under 15 - size 5
Under 16 - size 5