Club Fees
Match and Training Fees for 2024/25
Fees for 2024-2025 season.
After very careful consideration and discussion and as agreed at the recent AGM, as a Club we have taken the decision to keep all signing on fees/subs the same as last season – the subs can still be paid either as a lump sum or as eight monthly payments (September – April inclusive). All fees are per child – there is no sibling discount. As we have historically struggled to get a significant number of matchday shirts back at the end of the season, this year we will continue to ask for a payment of a refundable deposit towards provision of a matchday shirt of £30 (this will be refunded as and when your player leaves the Club upon return of the shirt). Please note that if your Hawk was registered for the Club last season and you’ve already paid the shirt deposit you will not need to pay an additional £30 deposit.
So to clarify:
when you have completed the online registration form, please transfer £70 (signing on fee and shirt deposit) to the Club by BACS transfer – you can also pay the £120 subs at the same time or set up a standing order for 8 x £15 payments from September-April
Please note that we will not be able to process your registration (and you will therefore not be able to represent the Hawks in any BYFL/HYGFL games) until we have received the signing on fee.
IMPORTANT! In order for us to track payments and to attribute them to the correct player for ANY TRANSACTION to the Club bank account as a payment reference, please use your player’s FIRST INITIAL followed by their SURNAME followed by the NUMBER OF THE AGE GROUP THEY WILL BE PLAYING IN (ie for John Smith registering for the under 8’s it would be ‘JSMITH8’)
Concessions and training only player fees:
NB – All Managers/Admin/Committee members must also pay the £30 matchday shirt deposit in addition to the below
Managers children - £90 for the year (inc signing on fee)
Active committee member/nominated role - £110 for the year (inc signing on fee)
Team Admins and Coaches (maximum of one Admin and two nominated coaches per team can get a reduced fee) £110 (inc signing on fee)
Senior Committee members – no signing on fee/subs apply
Team committee reps – normal rate
Training only players to remain at £100 per year (upfront or 8x £12.50 payments Sept-April inc, no signing on fee)
Club bank account details (Please remember to use the correct payment reference – see above!):
Account name: Highcliffe Hawks Youth FC
Account number: 02718704
Sort Code: 30-92-02
If you have any questions/queries – please speak to your Team Admin or Team Manager in the first instance.
Welcome to the Hawks!
(on behalf of the) Highcliffe Hawks Youth FC Committee